Saturday, April 19, 2014

If “Seeing Is Believing”, Then “Experiencing Is Understanding”

For those who believe in God :-)

Lord is not someone who gives us whatever we ask for. Nature gives us what we deserve. We just need to be patient enough to wait, and trust the laws of nature. Lord, in the mean time, is there to hold our hands when we feel alone, to help us up when we fall, to give us strength when we are too weak and tired to wait in peace.

When bad times hit our lives, we blame God, shout at Him "Why me???"..We fail to realize He is just there by our side, probably trying to calm us down. Lord always throws us a rope to hang on to when we are in trouble. It is our duty to first believe He will definitely throw the rope, be patient enough to wait for it, then be sensible enough to find it and then trust Him as to let go of the worry we are holding on to. Then you will find yourself clinging to Lord like a baby, with our heart filled with trust, love and hope.

When we are certain that Lord will come to the rescue, why not observe the issue a bit deeply? Experiences, both joyful and painful, come packed with lots of lessons. Understanding these lessons and learning from them will mould us into a better person.

Accept pain and joy as nothing but passing feelings. No one is going to be permanently happy or permanently sad. As day turns to night, and night turns to day again, life has its own ways of showing you the two sides.

You wish to hug Lord and cry your heart out when you feel let down, sad and hurt...Do you wish the same out of joy when things become all right again?

Be thankful to Lord...for all you have, and for all that you experience. No one except Lord is going to be there for you till death and beyond. Trust Him...he knows what is good for you better than you. Trust Him like a baby and He is sure to bless you in plenty.... :-)

Athma Rama...Rejoicing within :)

PS. I have shared this post in as well


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Lessons For Life, Through Pain

Pain is just a feeling. It will fade with time. What stays are shadows of the pain. The memory of a painful experience may cast dark shadows on your thoughts. It is not to hurt you, but to remind you of the lessons the experience came packed with.

Accept the reality of what you have experienced. Tell yourself “It was just a new lesson, though a bit tough.” We may not have the patience or presence of mind to think so broad minded when in the middle of such a chapter in our life. Let it pass. Thinking about a bad experience is like reliving it. But once it is all over, it is just a memory. Now you have the freedom to revisit each and every moment, as many times as you like. Most often, such revisits and retrospection will not be needed. You will learn what you were destined to learn automatically, even without your conscious knowledge.

It takes less than a fraction of a second for scenes to change in your life. Each such scene offers you tremendous opportunities of life and learning. Make use of such moments. Learn from them. Do not get lost in an experience. Emerge from it like a Phoenix. Fly high, afar and beyond the pain, and whisper to yourself “Now you are a winner.” :-)

Athma...The Soul within...

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sing And Dance In Blissful Love

“I want my husband to wander as free as the wind that shapes the dunes. And, if I have to, I will accept the fact that he has become a part of the clouds, and the animals and the water of the desert.”
                                                        -The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho

Love is such. Love is not the fetters that hold you grounded. Love never chains you down. Love is not something which holds you back from pursuing your destiny.  Love gives you the courage and will power to chase your dreams. Love gives you the strength to fly high, beyond the boundaries that you have never even imagined of. Love is the ultimate freedom of the soul. 

“True love takes you closer to your destiny.”

Listen to your heart and follow your dreams. You will find all the answers you seek. If you fail to listen to your heart, it will find its own ways to keep on reminding you of all the missing things in your life. Do not be afraid of love. Open up yourself to universal love… an eternal unconditional love that transcends all limits… that joyful everlasting emotion which completes you.  The eternal happiness that comes packed in love is the ultimate joy a soul can ever find. 

Love lets you find the beauty of the world. The flowers swaying to the tune of the breeze, the butterflies dancing to the rhythm of the wind, the stars that twinkle to the music of the sky and the sun that gleams down at us…all look beautiful when looked upon with love.  There cannot be a language better than the language of the soul…Love…

Immerse yourself in love. Fill your heart and soul with Love. It’s a beautiful world that you live in. Make it more beautiful with love. 

Athma...The soul within...

Saturday, April 5, 2014

We Meet By Choice And Not By Chance

Relationships are born and not made. It is impossible to plan and execute a relationship. It just happens. People do not meet each other by chance. It is already written somewhere, probably a choice the soul makes. The soul has its own way of expressing its desires and acquiring what it wants.
A relationship may not necessarily return what you had wanted out of it. But if you would just let it happen, and wait patiently, giving all the time it needs to evolve; it may turn out to be the most brilliant of surprises. 

Selfless, unconditional love alone returns bliss. There is a big difference between being in love and possessing something you love.
“If you love a flower, don’t pick it up, because if you pick it up it dies and ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. It is about appreciation.” -Osho.

Not being able to be with a person you love dearly, will certainly cause pain. But the deepest and truest of connections is not physical…It is from soul to soul. Real love is not felt when you are close together. Real love is when, even at unreachable distance you could feel the connection, without distortions you hear the voice, and realize the wounds in your heart caused by the pain of separation, slowly being filled with bliss. 

It is the void that is left behind when someone very dear to us leaves, that hurts the most. Those who experience this void and pain, often lift their hand and feel the void as if the person is still there. Not finding the person there, can increase the pain. Understand that physical closeness is just one of the possibilities of love. Look beyond physical closeness and realize how deep your love really is. Explore the unexplored dimensions of your love. 

Love never hurts. There is no pain associated with love. Love is meant to give you happiness and soul filling bliss. Separation is painful. Pain is inevitable. But suffering is not. In an article about Suffering and Pain posted in, the writer said “Pain is inevitable. But suffering is a choice.” Transform the pain to unstained love. Tap the energy you spend suffering and utilize it for activities which would heal your heart. 

Pain can take on various expressions. Listen to songs which you can sing along. Try to dance your pain out. Try painting, drawing, sketching, cooking or gardening. Anything creative can ease the pain. The best medicine you can have is to talk about your pain to someone who can understand you and be a good listener. Often writing down your feelings will also help.  Always be engaged and keep your mind busy with positive and happy thoughts. Soon, you will learn that being happy is actually very easy. That is when your love takes on a new face. It stops hurting to be in love. Missing someone will not exhaust you anymore. It will only make you feel more fortunate for having met someone worth missing and loving. Every morning, you wake up with a smile, feeling thankful for such a beautiful soul warming love. The void ceases to be a cause of pain, and becomes the space where you actually feel the love and store it. 

Life is beautiful. Love, is what makes it beautiful. Trust your soul, trust your love, trust the universe; wait for the relationship to evolve. Above all, if you believe in God, trust Him and surrender unto Him. 

“Though the mills of God grind slowly;
Yet they grind exceeding small;
Though with patience he stands waiting,
With exactness grinds he all.”
                               -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 

With love
Athma...The soul within…