It’s a perfect life. Experiencing its wonders… Unending flavours…
The expressions of life makes it meaningful. The flavours add to the taste. The
memories that get cached keep reminding us who we used to be. If you like that
person, you know where to go. If you do not like that person, well, then
probably you know where not to go
Life is not about existence. It is not about staying alive. Devouring
a whole plate of meal and declaring “I have done it!!” might earn you some
claps, a few greetings and a lot of envious stares. But try to remember what
was there in that plate you just emptied. Does the taste linger? Do you think
you want more?
What about having the same meal again and again? A
monotonous life…Playing safe…
Everything comes into life unexpectedly, as shocks and
surprises. One day you find love, the next day you lose it. Slowly imbibe the
feeling of being in love. Slowly accept the truth that it will not stay. It is
ok to feel heart broken. Too much pepper can burn your tongue. But that should
not stop you from eating again. A heart ache should not stop you from living
your life. Find new horizons. Remember, where the mighty ocean ends, begins the
unending sky.
Be it sorrow or happiness, it will not stay forever. With
passing moments, the intensity will gradually reduce. The colours will fade of.
Do not get drowned in it. Wait for the tide to lower. Try to emerge from it
unharmed. It is ok to have a few bruises. They will heal. But stay alive.
Remember you have a long way to go. Lot more flavors to be tasted.
The perfection of life is hidden in its imperfections. You don’t
need to fight your way through life. Just understand it and move ahead. Whatever
be it that you face, turmoil or the deepest sorrow, remember that it is just an
added flavour. As you, with all your heart accept it, you will hear a soft
whisper “Life is perfect”.
Athma Rama…Rejoicing within :)
I will give you another perspective. This life and it's sorrows, happiness and pleasure all are selected by ourselves. All things are happening for a reason nothing is happening by chance. But before understand that we have to find our soul mission and purpose. Another journey begins the moment which we found the purpose of our life. A new track, a right track. is true that nothing happens without a reason and every new flavour shows you an all new perspective...Which may walk you through the right path and take your soul to where it belongs :)