Thursday, May 7, 2015

Mirror Sees It All, And Even More...

I was on my knees clicking some macro shots of a cobweb, when I noticed a freshly  shed snake skin lying nearby. The snake must have been some where around, watching me...Probably whispering to me...

Shedding the skin I held so close,

Like memories that fade and fall apart.

The way side stream becomes a mirror,

As it reflects my image, so vivid and clear.

The mirror sees it all, they say,

But I realized,

The mirror sees it all and even more.

Oh! so surprised I was to find,

The stream could reflect my heart and soul.

I could see the shimmer of hope and faith,

The trust that it was perfectly made.

The new skin made me gleam and glow.

As I watched the image in perfect awe,

I could hear the stream whispering low;

"As life pens down a new poetry,

Let your heart paint the flow."

Athma Rama...Rejoicing within :)