Thursday, May 7, 2015

Mirror Sees It All, And Even More...

I was on my knees clicking some macro shots of a cobweb, when I noticed a freshly  shed snake skin lying nearby. The snake must have been some where around, watching me...Probably whispering to me...

Shedding the skin I held so close,

Like memories that fade and fall apart.

The way side stream becomes a mirror,

As it reflects my image, so vivid and clear.

The mirror sees it all, they say,

But I realized,

The mirror sees it all and even more.

Oh! so surprised I was to find,

The stream could reflect my heart and soul.

I could see the shimmer of hope and faith,

The trust that it was perfectly made.

The new skin made me gleam and glow.

As I watched the image in perfect awe,

I could hear the stream whispering low;

"As life pens down a new poetry,

Let your heart paint the flow."

Athma Rama...Rejoicing within :)


  1. thats after a long gap, but came out superbly to gleam n glow..
    a pict of the cobweb would have been better here

    1. Thanks a lot Deeps. Readers like you keep me motivated :). And thanks for your suggestion. I shall try to find a good pic.

    2. wont be a bad idea Athma to update once a while...

    3. I will try deeps. These are not deliberate attempts. It just happens...

  2. At times we may have to make deliberate attempts to make certain things happen…only then will be realize ohh why didn’t I do it earlier!!
